José White Lafitte (1836-1918) was a Cuban violin virtuoso and composer. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire, where he won a premier prix in violin in 1856. The following season he was first violinist in a professional quintet in Paris and gave solo concerts before returning to Cuba to perform with Gottschalk. He returned to Paris from 1861-1874, giving numerous solo and chamber performances and teaching private students. He became a member of the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire in 1866 and toured Europe, often performing with his wife who was a gifted violinist. He also toured in the USA and across South America, eventually earning the position of court violinist to the emperor Dom Pedro II of Brazil. He also co-founded the Sociedade de Conciertos Clásicos in Brazil. His compositions are largely written in the Western European classical style, while incorporating some elements of central and south American musics. His works include a violin concerto, a string quartet, a Bolero for violin and orchestra, Variaciones for harpsichord and orchestra, six concert studies for violin, and several pieces for violin and piano.

His manuscripts are in the Biblioteca Nacional, Havana.


Vega, Aurelio de la. “White Lafitte, José.” Grove Music Online. 2001

Works Featured on Expanding the Music Theory Canon

Zamacueca, Op. 30
Page: Modulation, Chromatic Mediants

Etude No. 1 from Nouvelles Etudes, Op. 33
Page: Modulation